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Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)


lithograph, yellow paper, 33 x 27 cm

The lithography is part of a series of works with pronounced expressionist traits through which the artist clearly captures the shortcomings of interwar capitalist society. In the lower right of the composition one can see a male figure walking in the light, his form casting a shadow on the ground. Although the person does not seem to have any specific traits to distinguish him from others, it is clear that he is allowed to walk in the light, to cast a mark of his own on earth. Meanwhile, on the right periphery of the composition, another figure sits on the bench, oblivious to his surroundings. Trees symbolized as huge leaves appear to engulf the sitting figure in a protective way, blocking the light, but the question remains: is it defending or deluding him?

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)


lithograph, yellow paper, 33 x 27 cm


  • on the back:

    the stamp of the DJC Office, Cluj

  • Condition of the work:


  • Documents:

    Certificate of sale of the Quadro Gallery, the cultural good appearing at No. 1359, dated 09.01.2013

    Expert report signed by Sebestyén Székely, 27.03. 2017

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

1907, Petroșani - 1944, Ostroh, Soviet Union, Ukraine territory today

Born in a working-class family, he tried to make a living not only as an artist but as a working man. This is how he was last seen, as a worker…on the Eastern Front.




pastel, charcoal, red ochre paper, 33.8 x 25.4 cm



lithography on yellow background, paper, 28.5 x 23 cm



Pencil, paper, 26 x 18 cm


Prisoner portraits

oil, cardboard, 61 x 50 cm

Prisoner portraits

The Prosecutor

lithograph on yellow background, paper, 34 x 26 cm

The Prosecutor

The Village

lithograph, paper, 28.5 x 21 cm

The Village

Pastoral scene

oil, cardboard, 69.9 x 49.3 cm

Pastoral scene